Briefly Outline Your Casting Ideas for Creon and Haemon and Then Explain How You Would Direct Them in Their Scene of Confrontation in Order to Achieve Your Preferred Audience Response

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‘Antigone’ written by Sophocles is a Greek Tragedy, which would been performed in Ancient Greek in the 4th century. I think that it is a very important factor to keep in mind when casting for Creon and Haemon. Instead of doing a modern interpretation of Antigone, I would do a more traditional ancient Greek style. When casting for Creon, I would have a man in his late 40’s, who looks physically strong and leader, for he appears more threatening for the audience. He would have broad shoulders and a chiseled jaw line, with short grey hair, dark brown eyes, and light olive skin (to make him look like he is Greek). If I were casting Creon he would be tall (6’2) so, when standing next to other actors on stage they have to physically crane their necks to look up at him. I wouldn’t have Creon masked as I think his facial expressions are vital to provide a convincing character, even though when this was originally performed he would be masked. Haemon would also have brown eyes and olive skin so it is believable for the audience that they are related. Haemon would be shorter (5’11), so he has to look up at his father as well, with a mop of dark curls on his head. Haemon would be in his early twenties and physically very hench, this is because in Ancient Greece being an actor was extremely tiring and therefore had to be very physically fit and strong, often characters were played by athletes. Previous to the confrontation between Creon and Haemon, Creon has decided to put Antigone to death because she went against his decree and buried her brother, Polynices with dignity. Haemon and Antigone are planning to get married, and Haemon loves Antigone. In the opening of the confrontation Haemon, reassures his father that ‘I am yours’, I would have Haemon deliver the line in a calm, matter of fact, soft tone. Facially Haemon would smile, with a slightly raised brow, his
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