400 years age, killing was a part of everyday, natural life. The people of these times believed that to have your father be murdered and runaway and not do anything to find out who has killed your father, the King of Scotland, was very cowardly. The audience was expecting Malcolm to become King of Scotland and then find out who murdered his father. Then he would have them either killed or throw in prison. This did not happen so the audience must think Malcolm and Donalbain are
Once he had his much desired position as ruler he killed anyone who could possibly take his place. There are speculated reasons as to why he did this, one of the reasons could be because he was paranoid that someone would try to kill him and take over as king. Another reason Alexander could have killed of possible suitors was because he wanted complete and total domination of the Empire. Although he was king there were a few details that Alexander didn’t check into when he became king. He though that with the death of his father he would gain everything that his father possessed but in reality he never got full possession of Corinthian League, which was created by king Phillip after Macedonia victory over the Greeks which establish control over the Greeks and to make them provide soldiers for the expedition to Asia.
The Three Mistakes of Brutus In the play Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, Brutus makes three important mistakes that lead to his ultimate demise. Brutus makes the mistakes of letting Marc Antony give a funeral oration over the body of Julius Caesar, refusing to kill Marc Antony, and joining the conspiracy to assassinate Julius Caesar. Brutus allowing Marc Antony to give his funeral oration to the citizens of Rome is a grave mistake with many severe consequences. When Antony hears about the assassination of Caesar, he sends word to Brutus and the conspirators that he loved Caesar but will now vow to serve Brutus if Brutus promises not to punish him for being once loyal to Caesar. This fools Brutus into thinking he can trust Antony, so he allows him to give a funeral speech over the body of Caesar to a large crowd of Roman citizens.
He made it clear that when he became Tsar he would undo all the reform his father had set about bringing. Alexander II’s assassination made Alexander III hate reform even more, as he blamed the reform for his father’s death. He was now even more determine to get rid of any reform that there might have been, also any political opposition, and this was done by censorship. This meant that the Tsar and his people would decide what could be published, and what material they decided was politically appropriate. Also they censored what people talked about by having a secret police, the okhrana.
In William Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar”, Marcus Brutus has a strong relationship with Julius Caesar, but an even stronger relationship with Rome and its citizens. His love for Rome is what drove him to assassinate Julius Caesar, because despite being such an intimate friend of Caesar, he felt his growing power would threaten the welfare of Rome. The honorable intentions of Brutus are what make him the noblest of all the Romans. Marcus Brutus felt that allowing Julius Caesar to accumulate power would put Rome and its citizens in danger. In his speech to the Roman citizens at Caesar’s funeral, he asks them: “Had you rather Caesar were living and die all slaves, than that Caesar were dead, to live all free men?” (Act III, sc.
Why Did The Barons Rebel Against King John In 1216? In this essay I will explain why I think the barons rebelled against King John. There are many reasons. In the year 1912 and the barons rebel against king John, after him not obeying the Magna Carta, which he signed just to gain time to build up his army. Once the barons rebelled the barons and John fought little battles taking over each others castles and such, but did not have one big war because both sides were afraid of losing with the other as their armies were equally as strong at the time but,eventually the barons won because John died of dysentery after drinking too much booze and eating too many peaches.
Upon further investigation, Friar Lawrence should receive the blame. Admittedly, Tybalt has a large influence on Romeo and Juliet’s death, because he caused the fight. Romeo tried to avoid it, but Mercutio joined in and started the fight and later Tybalt killed Mercutio. Romeo got mad and killed Tybalt and got exiled from Verona. However, Friar Lawrence is more responsible than Tybalt for the deaths of our “star cross’d lovers” because he allowed Romeo and Juliet marry and it caused Romeo to avoid the fight at first with Tybalt, than later tried to stop the fight between Tybalt and Mercutio and caused Mercutio to get killed by Tybalt.
He had to weigh his choices and in Act 3, Scene 2, Brutus kills Caesar only because he is afraid of what will happen to Rome if Caesar remains ruler. He knew the commoners’ lives would be difficult with the ruling of Caesar. This is shown again in the same Act and Scene when Brutus allows Mark Antony to speak at Caesar's funeral even though
Maximus was called Spaniard because he refused to tell his name. When he finally showed the slave traders how well he fought, they immediately knew that they had an amazing fighter. In Rome, Commodus reopens the gladiatorial games in honour of his deceased father. A significant scene in the movie was when the gladiators were supposed to re-enact the battle between Rome and Carthage. The gladiators did not want to be defeated so they killed the defenders and the crowd enjoyed the twist.
Hubris BREAKING A MORAL LAW Part I: Okonkwo's fear of being weak causes him to kill his "son" Ikemefuna. He ignored the elders orders to stay out of this sacrafice (67). Part II: Okonkwo beats Nowye because he thinks Nowye is becoming lazy (152). Part III: Okonkwo can no longer handle the way things have worked out, therefore he commits suicide (207). Peripeteia REVERSAL OF EXPECTATIONS Part I: Okonkwo thought that killing Ikemefuna would make he seem more manly and stronger.