Both Men and Women Are from Earth

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It is said that women are from Venus, and men from Mars. Are men and women that psychologically different? Introduction Gender differences studies have been ongoing since the 1900’s with researchers investigating social, individual and cognitive characteristics. Widespread oral arguments and literature have claimed that the psychological difference between men and women is very wide. John Gray’s (2004) book Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus only served to advance this idea, which is better known as the “Differences Hypothesis”. Another book that has supported this hypothesis is You Just Don’t Understand: Women and Men in Conversation (Tannen, 1991) However, new research shows that there are more similarities in the genders than previously thought. Psychologists such as Janet Shibley Hyde, Harry Reis and Bobbi Carothers assert that the differences in genders, if any, are minimal (Hyde 2005, Carothers, Reis 2012). So, discard the notion that men and women are completely different psychologically. Research shows that there are more similarities between men and women than differences. Gender Similarities Hypothesis To better understand the new perspective, consider the correlation between men and women as found in Psychologist Janet Shibley Hyde’s analysis. In 2005, Hyde found that during childhood, men and women are largely psychologically alike. With the understanding that sex is the key categorizing factor in the social context; Hyde sought to know: Are men and women generally the same or essentially different? (Hyde 2005) Hyde used a very effective research method so her results were largely credible. The de-individuation technique the scientist used was used in other researches of the 1980’s, at a time when studies on gender differences were very common. According to the “Gender Similarities Hypothesis” in the “American
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