Berntrand Russell - Logical Construction

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Russell’s logical construction of the external world: explain Russell’s logical construction of material objects. Does Russell succeed in giving a satisfactory proof of the external world? Why or why not? When we discuss the idea of a logical construction - we should first begin with one type of object. By saying this I mean that we should analyze sentences in its "definite description" - in the form of a sentence such as "The X is Y". The "X" in that sentence would be the definite description. This "X" is always a "thing" or a noun and is deemed "proper" if it implies a specific thing, object or individual being. For example a proper definite description would be "the current USC football coach". One that is not would be like "students from that philosophy class" because it denotes no specific individual being. But what are the most fundamental objects? Surely there seems to be one basic class of objects, such as the current USC football coach we were talking about earlier; but the question is whether we need to come up with a new class of objects, or essentially a proof of the external world. In considering the phrase "students from that philosophy class", we cannot say that this pertains to an object or individual. There are students in the philosophy class, but each student is unique in itself and contains its own properties. This is just a way we label the students from the philosophy class, or we can also call the label "students" a logical construction of the actual individual students in the philosophy class. In order to try to understand the ultimate or fundamental object, Russell examined the idea sense data and how it causes us to know material objects by the way it is described. He believed that matter is only understood indirectly by the way we describe things – this is caused from our sense data, which we just know by “acquaintance” or experience. So

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