Benefits of Wind Power

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Considering the costs, wind power should definitely be greatly valued. This resource not only provides renewable energy and financial stability, but it also promotes a healthy environment. Wind power is clean, affordable, domestic, and effectively infinite. This particular power produces no emissions and results in cleaner air and water for all. Wind-generated energy makes jobs and creates revenue for local communities. Revenue from wind farms helps stimulate local economies that need new roads, schools, libraries, and hospitals. The United States has some of the best wind resources in the world, with enough potential energy to produce nearly 10 times the country's existing power needs. Wind energy is now one of the most cost-effective sources of the new generation, competing with new installations of coal, gas and nuclear power. Its cost has dropped steadily over the past few years, as wind turbine technology has improved. Currently, over 400 American manufacturing plants build wind components, towers and blades. In 2010, wind turbines in the United States generated about 2% of total U.S. electricity generation, equal to the annual electricity use of 8.7 million homes. Wind power represented 25% of all new U.S. electric generation capacity in 2010. Wind turbines do not release emissions that pollute the air and they do not require water for cooling. Not only does wind power provide a clean source of electricity, it helps keep electric rates low and protects consumers against fossil fuel price volatility. Through these facts, America can see a vast amount of benefits. To recap, these benefits include: reduced consumption of fossil fuels, exponential reduction of water and air pollutions, creation of jobs, and can be used as energy for virtually anything. This energy is free and inexhaustible; meaning it is renewable and infinite source of energy. Sources:

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