Behavioral Interviewing Essay

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Organizational Career Development Intervention Summary: Behavioral Interviewing Purpose of the intervention There are several purposes of behavioral interviewing; it comes in the form of an acronym: S.A.R. (Situation, Action, and Result). A behavioral interview uses general, open-ended questions that ask you to recall a situation and explain your response. “These are designed to get at the specific accomplishments,” she says. The questions will have general themes like success and failure, and focus on topics such as persuasion, conflict management and interpersonal relations . Purported benefits to the organization For the organization and the interviewer, it helps asks questions that probe SAR until they see that the interviewee is answering questions and situations truthfully. SAR enables the interviewer to play detective skillfully and adverts risk by avoiding poor hires and manages risk for the company. Some of the most challenging interview questions are found in so-called behavioral interviews, which are designed to test applicant's abilities in three specific ways: 1. Determining how well you work under pressure; 2. Finding out how well you work with others; and 3. Establishing whether you can resolve conflicts . Behavioral interviews have almost triple the correlation of conventional interviews with job success . Purported benefits to individuals Behavioral interviewing helps individuals get a better understanding of themselves. With the individual practicing and learning their actions for a behavioral interview would help them act or react to the same or similar situation, if faced with that scenario again. Use a variety of examples when answering, including ones from volunteer work and hobbies. Most examples, however, should be related to your job and drawn from the last six months. You should be able to tell these stories in about two minutes,

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