Becoming A Registered Nurse

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Student English.XXX Teacher Date Nursing “Dr. Henderson my stomach hurts and I have a fever!” I used to hear my stuffed animals tell me this on a daily basis as I would stick a band aid on their stomach, an ice pack on their foreheads, and smother them with kisses to make them feel better. For as long as I can remember my goals in life have always been based around helping other people less fortunate. The best and most exciting way I would want to be able to do this is by joining the Peace Corp. but even though that is still in my future plans I needed something I could make a living off of and not constantly be out of the country for two years or so at a time. So I decided to become a Registered Nurse. What I know about nursing…show more content…
Spend some time crafting some honest feedback! Introduction Is the argument in the essay reflecting in its title? Make two (2) suggestions for a title that reflects the argument in the essay: The title is to general for the topic, use something along the lines of “The road to nursing” since the main topic is what you plan on doing and not really on nursing itself. Write the paper's thesis here: So I decided on becoming a nurse. Give one alternative way to reword the thesis so that it is more argumentative and specific. On my way to becoming a nurse, I find that understanding lawsuits is very important. Make two (2) specific suggestions to assist the author in providing a better sense of direction in his/her introduction. The Main idea seems to be mostly about lawsuits and the ways they effect nurses and patients. I would emphasis this in the introduction so we have an idea of the topic of the paper. The secondary idea you portray is the steps you’ll take in your paper writing ie. What journals you will use. Expand your introduction to include the items the paper will include so we have a better understanding of what your paper is going to be about. Essay…show more content…
Is it always clear where the paper is going? Give two (2) examples of transitional devices from this paper, and make two (2) suggestions for alternative transitional devices. Examples of transitional devices: What I know about nursing is very vague. The third paper I am going to write is a cause and effect paper. Suggestions for alternative transitional devices: While I only know the basics of nursing, what I do know only drew me in to this career. Citations List the texts, source, and/or reference material used in the essay here: How does the author use source material in his/her paper? Make two (2) specific suggestions here about how to use source material better early in the essay: (1) She lists the various articles and magazines that she will use to learn more about nursing but she doesn’t actually directly reference any of the information from those articles or magazines, and just based off the titles I can’t tell if they have any reference to her main point about learning about and avoiding lawsuits. (2) Reference an article that pertains to the point your trying to make, give an example from the article not just tell us one

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