Clinical Incident Communication

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Introduction Background - The history of communication, what is communication, which definition(s) I am I going to accept in this essay and why are they important to nursing. - What are the fundamental principles of communication in nursing. - What am I accepting as the nurse’s role in communicating with patients. - Team work: The dynamics partnership between service provider and patient and contribution of inter professional and interagency team working in achieving affective seamless care. - Barriers to effective team working In this essay I will be using the Gribbs reflective cycle (Reid, 1994: see appendix 1) to structure my reflection on a clinical incident that occurred during placement. Because of NMC (2008) guideless on confidentiality, a pseudonym of Ms. Hope has been employed instead of the patient’s name to preserve the privacy of the patient. Ms. Hope was an emergency admission who had an extensive past medical history. This essay will examine the confrontation that occurred during a routine explanation of a malignancy between Ms. Hope and a Surgical Multi-disciplinary team. I will discuss how personal ideas and opinions due to previous experience and past history may create barriers and thus hinder communication outcomes. After reviewing my feelings, I will also discuss how ‘contextual issues relating to differing values and professionalism’ may affect inter-disciplinary collaboration and the delivery of impeccable care. And finally I will discuss the importance of other forms of communication in delivery of seamless care with particular importance to record keeping. The essay will also contain concerns that can arise and will conclude on recommendations and what I can learn personally from the situation and will implement in my future clinical practise. The situation Events leading to the confrontation My first encounter
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