Bean Sprouts Lab

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Bean Sprouts Experiment Lab Report Research Question (Aim): To determine whether the different amounts of water affect seed germination. Hypothesis: I hypothesize that the largest number of seed germination will occur in the petri dish given 10ml of water. I believe that because, if the plant receives too little water, it will cause the plants to wilt. The plants wilt as they lose water quicker than they gain it from the soil. If the plant collects too much water, it will cause the roots to rot, resulting in the plants not being able to receive enough oxygen from the soil. Therefore, because a plant cannot grow if it doesn’t have healthy roots, the balanced amount of water will result in the best seed germination. Independent variable: - The amount of water used when planting the 60 seeds (bean sprouts) Dependent variable: - The number of seeds that germinate Controlled variable: - The amount of petri dishes- 3 petri dishes will be used in this experiment - The amount of cotton wool- Each petri dish will have 1g of cotton wool laid out on the bottom - The type of seed/bean- There will be use of only one type of seed/bean throughout this whole experiment - The number of seeds- There will be 20 seeds/beans in each of the petri dishes The location where the petri dishes- The petri dishes with the seeds/beans and cotton wool will be kept in the open cupboards of the science classroom, throughout this whole experiment - The method- The same method will be repeated several times, just with different amounts of water (5mL, 10mL, 15mL) Materials and Equipment: - 3 petri dishes (The three dishes where the bean sprouts will be grown, kept and watered) - 60 seeds (bean sprouts), 20 seeds (bean sprouts) in each of the three petri dishes - 3g of cotton wool (1g of cotton wool will be laid on the bottom of each of the three petri dishes) - 30mL of water

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