Bbq Case Study

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Task A Day trip to Newcastle for BBQ First scenario A (i) Service user A has problems with her mobility is overweight and has to use a cane to assist her walking. While walking from the bus to the benches service user A trip over and falls onto her left knee. When the care assistants get her to her feet they notice that she has a small cut on her left knee. A(ii) What should happen in this situation is that, the nurse should be called to firstly check over the resident’s injury and assess whether or not the wound needs dressed or cleaned and ask her if she thinks that she is able to stand. Then there should be a care assistant on either side of the resident to assist her getting to her feet and assist her…show more content…
The care assistant may also hold the cup or glass for the service user as a precaution against spills or dropping the glass/ cup. This falls into the moving and handling principle. A(iv) As there is a care plan in place for the service user, the nurse on the day trip with the residents should know that service user C is a type two diabetic and should have the necessary tablets and medication that this service user needs. If the nurse did not read the care plan for this person and this scenario were to happen, this could prove to be dangerous and stressful. By following the care plan the nurse was able to know that she needed a sugary drink with her and that the service user had taken her tablets before the trip began. A(v) The responsibilities of the staff for this type of situation, relies on the nurse. She/he should be the only one in charge of medication for the diabetic residents and should check their blood sugar levels throughout the day, all of this should also be…show more content…
B) The storing of medication whilst out on a day trip should be as the labelling states. Usually a large dry box is brought with various labelled medication/ medications in it for various service users and their specific medical needs. C) A record of all dosage and medicines that are consumed must be taken at the time of consumption during the day. A(vii) A) It is important that all staff is trained to the highest quality, when learning about first aid and emergency first aid. In case of an emergency that happens outdoors where there is more danger of falling, a nurse should always be on hand to attend the injured resident. B) Moving and handling a service user may be trickier outside than it would be inside as there are the elements to take into consideration, e.g if it raining , icy, or very windy this may cause a problem when trying to move or even reposition a service users. C) As mentioned above, medication should only be administered by a staff nurse be that inside or outside the care home failure to comply by this rule may result in serious injury or

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