Baker Woodlot Analysis

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On the Restoration Love Environmental Tour, my particular spot examined the Sanford Natural area as well as the Baker Woodlot. The woodlots are located within the 5,200 acres of Michigan State University. Natural forest areas have been extremely important to the natural environment throughout the state of Michigan through both the upper and lower peninsulas. Throughout the history of the state, forest areas have provided extreme benefits to the economic status of the state, however due to extreme deforestation from selfish acts of mankind, approximately only half of the original 36.4 million acres remain. Original forest development was founded through primary succession during early post glacial vegetation, which created increased nutrients…show more content…
Maps were created of the land in order to set boundaries, divide into regions, and claim the territories. The American landscape had been carefully drawn, quartered, and tamed. The towns were designed with straight street with buildings and homes with the same models and dimensions to promote social order, elegance, and the asserted control over nature according to Nobles, “Straight lines and Stability.” Looking at expansion maps of the Agricultural College, the school was consistently growing and the demand for an increased variety of courses and enrollment was leading the growth. As the college increased and became more developed, roads, educational buildings, and dormitories followed much of Nobles theory of Straight Lines and Stability. Following in the trend of the Forestry Commission, the Agricultural College established a Forestry program in order to educate, research, and train. With increased management of Michigan’s forest population, its vegetation changed dramatically, transforming from cutover and burned-over abandoned land to a vibrant, healthy, growing forest. In the 1930’s, Michigan’s economy was suffering and work was provided by the Civilian Conservation Corps. for young men to replant nearly half a billion trees to Michigan’s natural land. The increased amount of growth provided an opportunity for species to flourish in their returned habitats. The forest…show more content…
From heavy rains, washed out roads, an early snowstorm, and poachers harming the native species being protected within Yellowstone’s boundaries, the park was severely troubled. The resources within the National Park were being exploited by the poachers and it impacted the ecosystem by removing the buffalo and elk. In Jacoby’s, “Crimes against Nature,” the human poachers explained that it was necessary to kill the animals and sell the hides, bones, and meat to keep a roof over their families heads. This relates to the stop on the environmental tour of the woodlots at MSU, because although different situations were occurring the prevalence of exploited natural resources by humans remains constant since the arrival of the Europeans. In order for the animal population as well as Michigan’s forests to regenerate restoration efforts were necessary by humans at both ends of the

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