President Hoover Liberal or Conservative?

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President Hoover was actually more liberal than many believed as he tried to provide some assistance but the problem was most assistance did not reach the people who needed it most. President FDR, however, was liberal because he did try to help Americans in need, but might have been conservative because he could have spent more money to help the Great Depression sooner. President Hoover was actually more liberal than many believed as he tried to provide some assistance but the problem was that it did not get to the people that needed it. In Document A, Hoover aspired to help America, but controlling could ruin liberalism for America. Hoover helped but to a certain point that was to protect America’s individual liberalism. In Document B, Hoover has the government putting out 520 million dollars more than what he put out in 1928, which was 253 million. Hoover put out a lot of money to help even more than he did two years ago. In Document C, Hoover has made loans to help the agricultural business of its drought. Hoover is helping farmers in their time of trouble. The Reconstruction Finance Corporation is Hoover’s agency that gave loans to banks and businesses to keep them a flow. Hoover tried to help America by even creating an agency to keep America running. President Roosevelt, however was liberal because he did try to help Americans in need. The New Deal was a plan that gave America a way to help the people. For the first time the government acts as a safety net for people, solving America’s poverty status. The Works Progress Administration was the largest and ambitious agency employing millions of unskilled workers. FDR had helped millions of unskilled workers find a job that benefited the people. The Civilian Conservation Corps is an agency that hired 250,000 unemployed young men to work on rural projects. FDR cared for these young men by placing these young

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