Assignment Title: Part a, Research the Teacher’s Role in Developing Planning, Teaching and Assessment Methods.

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Assignment title: Part A, Research the teacher’s role in developing planning, teaching and assessment methods. Within schools, there are a number of issues with planning and assessment, initially ‘the planning and assessment has to affect the progress of the child positively and also has to be personalised between pupil and teacher,’ (Bottle, 2005; 87). In this paper the role of the teacher shall be assessed, as to their contribution in developing more pragmatic planning. The methods of teaching shall also be considered and how they impact on the educational development of planning and the children’s development. Particular reference will be paid to the assessment methods that are used in conjunction with planning and how they are implemented by the teacher. A literary review of academic texts and theorist will be used to support the discussion. In order to plan effectively for any subject in the National Curriculum there are a number of areas that need to addressed, for instance the requirements of the National Curriculum and the previous experiences of the children. These essential components of planning are the general starting points for all planning (Hansen, 2011). The teacher needs an underlying structure and plan of work which is clear and which allows for a scope of flexibility, but also the teacher must ensure that there is an enough organisation to make certain that the children make progress. According to Dean (2009) the National Curriculum has a tendency to become something of a straightjacket, and stresses that this must not be allowed. The QCA, (1999) suggest that teachers’ planning for schemes of work should start from the programmes of study and the needs and abilities of the children, and should be used as guidelines in the organisation of planning. The Rose review (2009) states that the teacher should consider securing the knowledge that has

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