Assignment 11 1.2

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Assignment 11 1-Outline procedures for ensuring that individual education plans for pupils are in place and regularly reviewed.Provide examples of the relevant forms, individual education plan;review sheets for pupil comments,parent comments and staff comments;record of review.Remember confidentiality. 1-All education settings should differntiate their approaches to learning activities to meet the needs of individual pupils. Apupil'sIEP should identify four individual targets in specific key areas for example,commuincation,literacy,numeracy or behaviour and social skills.When supporting the teacher in developing individual educational educational plans.I have to remember to have a high expectations of pupils and commitment to raising…show more content…
6• Build on what the pupils already know. • Let the pupils work at their own pace. • Provide activities that can be completed in the time available. • Divide the learning into small steps in a logical sequence. • Present the same concept or idea in various ways to reinforce learning and understanding. • Use repetition frequently;short daily lessons are more memorable than one long weekly session. • Use repetition frequently. • Demonstrate what to do as well as giving verbal instructions. • Use real examples and practical experiences. • Keep activities short. • Encourage active participation in discussion. • Provide more stimuli for learning activities. • Help the pupils to develop skills in accessing information. • Listen to the pupils and take on board their points of view. • Get specialist advice and support. 7-Provide examplesof how you would encourage a pupil with behavioural,social and emotional difficulties to participate in the full range of activities and experiences in school,e.g.encouraging the pupil to participate effectively in learning activities;encouraging the pupil to behave in more acceptable ways by using appropriate rewards and sanctions;improving school attendance;helping the pupil to develop a positive self-image and self-esteem;providing opportunities for the pupil to express their feelings more appropriately such as discussion,storytime and play activities. 7-Providing support for pupils with behavioural ,social and emotional difficulties is…show more content…
• enhancing the pupil's self-esteem. • Assisting the pupil to recognise the effect of the behaviour. • Being constructive. • Clearly explaining what constitutes unacceptable behaviour. • Fostering and encouraging parental support where possible. • Early identification of possible difficulties. • Using rewards and sanctions that are fair ,and consistently applied. • Liaising with colleagues and other professionals. Pupils with behavioural,social and emotional difficulties usually have an individual education plan. 8-Provide examples of how you could encourage a pupil with hearing or visual impairment to participate in the full range of activities and experiences in your school. 8-Encouraging a pupil with hearing impairment: • Reduce background noise,e.g.have carpets where possible. • Ensure the pupil is near to you. • Use facial expressions and gestures. • Use visual aids,e.g.real objects,pictures,books,photos,etc. • Keep your mouth visible. • Do not shout but speak clearly and naturally. Some schools may encourage the use of signing systems such as British Sign Language throughout the school. Encouraging a pupil with visual impairment: • Ensure the pupil is near to you. • Make sure the pupil wears glasses if they are supposed to. • Keep the room tidy and free from obstacles. • Black writing on a matt white board is better than using a chalkboard. • Make worksheets clear and bold. • Allow time for
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