Assignment 6 Green Design and Technology

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Assignment 6 (50 points) In Section 6, you learned about green manufacturing and construction. Now, you'll apply what you learned. 1. In a market or mixed economy, prices of goods are partially controlled by consumers' behavior. Do you think that the behavior of consumers can also influence producers to make products more environmentally friendly? Why or why not? (2-6 sentences. 5.0 points) yes because if people feel threatened about their land they will effect the market to where there are more sales on eco friendly products such as solar panels and home wind mills, and solar powered path lights. Big business will see that and start the flow of eco friendly products 2. Choose a product you're familiar with, and then write answers to the following. a. Give an example of natural capital that is used to make this product. (Complete sentences are not necessary. 2.0 points) sunlight so the solar panel can get power b. Give an example of human capital that is used to make this product. (Complete sentences are not necessary. 2.0 points) 15-20 people working on an industrial sized solar panel plus machines assembling the parts 3. Pick a product you are familiar with, and then describe the life cycle of the product. Include information about how resources are gathered to make the product, how the product is produced, how it's distributed, how it's used, and what happens to it after it's done being used. Use the Web to do research if you need to. (4-8 sentences. 6.0 points) 4. For the product you wrote about in question 3 above, answer the following questions. Use the Web to do research if you need to. a. Is the product made from green manufacturing materials? If so, talk about what makes the manufacturing materials green. If not, how could this product be made from greener materials? (2-5 sentences. 4.0 points)bamboo flooring has
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