Assessment of Tiberius' Reign

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Essay 1 To what extent is the quotation above an accurate statement of Tiberius’ impact as Princeps? Olivia Asprey “The first news of his death caused such joy at Rome that people ran about yelling: ‘To the Tiber with Tiberius!’ and others offered prayers to Mother Earth and ran the Infernal God to give him no home below except among the damned” To what extent is the quotation above and accurate assessment of Tiberius’ impact on the Princeps? The above quotation is not a completely accurate assessment of Tiberius’ impact on the Princeps. The sources tell us Tiberius was not popular with the people yet he was an effective Emperor. Despite his weakness to please the people his effectiveness as Emperor occurred through his relationship with the army, maintenance of peace in the provinces, appropriate spending, financial management and his reforms. The Senate and Tiberius experienced an awkward relationship and it was through Tiberius’ relationship with Sejanus and power, and the retiring to Capri that established this dysfunctional partnership. The sources available shape our understanding of Tiberius rule, yet it is important to be critical of these sources considering reasons for judgement, potentials bias and reliability. Augustus died in 14AD, there was no turmoil in Rome, but Tacitus stated that “two pieces of news became known simultaneously: Augustus was dead, and Tiberius was in control”, chosen “from necessity rather than from choice” (Suetonius). As a political power, the sources depict to us that Tiberius had failed to please the people of the Roman Empire. The ancient sources establish Tiberius as a tyrannical and sadistic leader whom according to Suetonius “broke out in every sort of cruelty” whose “malevolence was completely concealed” (Tacitus). Reasons proposed as to why this was the case are accounted for in both ancient and modern sources.
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