Assess the Applicability of Bandura Learning Theory to Your Field of Work and Any Other Field

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ASSESS THE APPLICABILITY OF BANDURA’S SOCIAL LEARNING THEORY TO YOUR OWN FIELD OF WORK AND ANY OTHER. The social learning theory originated from the behavioural writings of Ivan Pavlov, John B Watson and B.F Skinner. It was coined by Albert Bandura (1925), who is a behaviourist. The theory assumes that if people relied solely on their own actions, learning would be tedious, hence most human behaviour is observationally learned to form new ideas of behaviour and be guided on actions to take. Social or observational learning is the most influential theory of learning and development, which is acquired through socialisation and is a continuous process. This paper aims to explain the various factors involved in social learning, its principles and results as well as how it is applicable to different work situations. Social learning is the process through which people acquire new information, forms of behaviour or attitudes from other people. According to Baron, Branscombe and Byrne (2009), it is prone to different forms of influence, which include the environment and biological factors. For example a new officer joining a company has to adapt to the new working environment despite his vast experiences in the private sector or having worked for businesses in the same trade. Each company has its own values, culture, vision and mission which differ from the other. If he takes it for granted that companies with similar products are the same, he may violate the code of conduct. The biological factors that affect behaviour include intelligence and gender which influence his effectiveness. As Eysenck (2009), asserts, in order for effective learning to take place, there has to be a model and an observer. The models exist in three forms, that is, live models who are actual individuals demonstrating behaviour, for example parents; verbal instructional models which involves

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