Arts and Their Importance

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This essay will explain the critical importance that participating in the expressive arts curriculum has on children’s learning and development. It will focus on the physical, social, emotional, cognitive and language, and spiritual development that children experience have through the arts. Then, it will justify each of these explanations, using Te Whāriki (Ministry of Education [MOE], 1996) the early childhood curriculum. Finally, it will describe effective ways for teachers to support the artistic expression of children in early childhood education. Through the arts children express their feelings and understandings. The arts provide opportunities for exploration and manipulation (Feeney, Christensen, & Moravcik, 2006). Furthermore, Schirrmacher (2006) states that learning happens with and through the arts. Through the arts, children can express their ideas, using oral language or visual symbols. The arts support children to feel good about themselves as individuals. Children develop the ability to observe and respond sensitively, and they build up skills and creativity in art, music, and movement. Also, children start to understand the arts’ disciplines and will become appreciative of music, art, and dance, from their own and other cultures. Furthermore, through the arts, children construct understanding and communicate what they know (Feeney et al., 2006). The arts are a basic component in early childhood education. This important area must be carefully designed during the early years to enhance children’s artistic development and nurture an appreciation for beauty in their world. The arts are recognised as both a fundamental and distinctive way of knowing. (Isbell & Raines, 2007, p. 106) The arts are fundamental in the development of children, who can feel as well as think, and who are sensitive and creative. Art, music, and creative movement help
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