Are They Really Your Friend?

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Are They Really Your Friend? The vast majority in today’s society has a Facebook or a twitter account and sometimes both. With either one, you either have too many friends or to many followers. I personally do not have a twitter account, I guess you could say I never caught on. I do on the other hand have a Facebook. When I first started using Facebook, it was a great way to connect with fellow friends or classmates, friends that had moved over the years, distant family members, and even scoping out the girl you wanted to ask to prom. Now that I’m older and have gotten a new job, moved away from home and have taken many steps to change and improve my life. I often do ask myself why I have so many friends and followers that I don’t keep in contact with or even bother to message to see how they are doing. The answer is quite simple, I’m too busy to go through and delete probably over three or four hundred people out of my eight hundred something friends. The vast majority of my friends on Facebook are from high school, and the Army. It is nice to hear from old friends because you realize they took time out of their day to think about you and message you to see how your life is turning out. Like I said I’m far too busy for that. I have a life that doesn’t revolve around a computer. Being an Airborne Infantry man is not easy and it eats up a lot of my personal time. I recently got married to my beautiful wife and best fried for life, so there is a lot going on for me. But one thing I’ve always been good at, is doing the best with what I have. Sure these “friends” don’t talk to me and I don’t talk to them. Over half of my friends serve no purpose. They may never will. But you never know who could shoot me a message about a great job opportunity a few years down the line and Facebook be the only viable means of communication. To me the book of face is full of
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