Are Science and Religion in Conflict

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Are Science and Religion in Conflict? Belinda Pringle PHI 103 Dr. Russell Fail October 8, 2011 In contrast to public opinion and scholarly discourse, most scientists do not perceive a conflict between science and religion. Through many generations, it has been thought, and still is in some places, that when a young person seeks to gain academic knowledge, his faith in God will soon be destroyed. However, it is not the search for knowledge - or knowledge itself - which might cost a man his faith. “Some read by the lamp of their own conceit; interpreting by rules of their own contriving; who have become a law unto themselves. It is intellectual pride that leads one to think he is self-sufficient in matters of mind and of spirit. We must recognize the difference that exists between a discoverer of the truth, the human, and the Lawgiver of all truth, the Divine” (Hinckley, 1979). When we recognize this difference as a matter of perspective, we see that science and religion are not in conflict, they actually complement one another. Perspective is objective and personal. One might ask, “Does personal perspective have any bearing on scientific evidence or on religious beliefs? Science and religion have appeared to be in conflict over many generations; an apparent, but not actual conflict. “Science seeks truth, and true religion is truth. There can never be conflict between revealed religion and true science. Truth is truth” (Hinckley, 1979). Whether truth is labeled scientific or religious, truth is still consistent. Truth does not conflict with itself as “There is no conflict – only the interpretation of fact” (Hinckley, 1979). When we make new discoveries in our search for truth, whether that truth is revealed by science or religion, we recognize that truth will always be truth. It is a wondrous accomplishment any time the human soul finds any
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