Are People Really Different?

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Are people really different? Does it matter? God created people differently for a reason “we created you nations and tribes to know each other” Quaran. In Islam we believe that all people are the same no matter from where they are or what color they have. The only difference between them is their morals and manners. Islam taught us to treat people the same. On the other hand, Islam told us in its principles to not let any one to treat us in a bad way to keep our pride raised always. From my experience in this country the US, I saw something else from I used to which is respecting every one, I saw people hate each other just because of their color or religion. Here, In the US some of the whit people hate black people and the other way around. I think this hate came from what happen in the past, when black people were slaves. They used to work with out mercy all day long. Their masters would have torture them and maybe killed them if they disobey. But, all of this was in the past and should stay there. The big problem is people still mentioning it and makes it an excuse for racism. From what I have experienced with my American black friends that when a whit man refer to them by the word “Nigger” they would fight him or at least call him “ cracker” to insult him. However, when I call them “niggers” they accept it as a complement and they call me “Nigger” too. Moreover, my black friends told me that if a whit people called you “Nigger” that’s mean they are racists, but if a black people call you that it is a complement between brothers. Back in Saudi Arabia we respect and treat all colored people the same. There, I never know the real meaning of the word racism or felt it. However, here in the US I see racism in the people’s eyes, in some whit people eyes because I am colored and from general Americans because I am Moslem. In conclusion, people have been created in
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