These people that label their selves as “nigga” but if a person who is not of color is to use it we are racist. Isn’t that a double standard? How is it ok for you to say it but we are not allowed without being called a word that a lot of people overlook….Racism will always exist until people of color stop killing each other. I read an article called “salute to all gangbangers” written by a black man about black on black crime. Everyone in the south was in an uproar because they thought the KKK had written it.
“Wait is That Racist?” The Media and Its Effects on Racism “Latifah, Shaniqua, Latoya, Laquisha, La’ Tanya,” ThatAndrewBoy’s video “Top 60 Ghetto Black Names” provides a list of “ghetto” names that go on to names like “Friedchickeniesha” which provide a mockery of ethnic names. The hit YouTube video has over 27 million views and more than 153 thousand likes. The makers of the video provide a disclaimer that the video is a joke and that people should simply “get over it”, yet it is discouraging to think that in a day and age where African-Americans have come to be politicians, lawyers, doctors, and even the president, “ghetto” and black can still be considered synonymous. Racism in America has never been a quiet subject, yet the thought of
Probably the most significant impact caused by World War II in advancing Civil Right for Blacks was revealing the horrors that could be caused if racism ‘went on too far’ because this sudden realisation caused many White Americans to begin opposing all racism at all circumstances. Revealing that Hitler exterminated over six million Jews due to their race caused many people to think twice about their racist attitudes. World War II also gave Blacks more self esteem and confidence. Black soldiers were appalled to know they were fighting a racist opponent yet being treated as second hand citizens and receiving prejudice treatment back home, so the ‘Double V’ campaign was launched to gain victory against overseas
In a recent article in “Hip Hop,” they discuss the reasoning behind the vulgar language and the term “nigger” used in rap in the mind of a famous artist, Snoop Doggy-Dogg. “People gotta see the pain and sufferin that we African Americans gone through. Ain’t no one gonna see anything if we
Every race has people that are discriminatory and this includes groups lime the black panthers other African supremacy groups are just as guilty in the category if racist groups as the KKK. The problem with hate groups are that they skew views people have about other races causing them to themselves become racist subconsciously. Studies have taken place at Stanford university as well as the university at California berkley that have studied racism and subconscious racism are still a very prominent aspect of humanity. Part of the problem in the unsuccessful attempts to kill racism is that there are people who don't admit that it's real anymore. Acceptance is a viable part if repentance.
As if being black in America was not enough to get you into trouble in the south, lynch laws and Jim Crow laws put into perspective of how racially inferior African Americans were presumed to be as opposed to their white counter parts; and used to reestablish a white social and political power (90 – 92). The simplest misdeeds such as the thought of a black man wanting a white woman in any sexual way was reason enough to get lynched. Various other reasons include “attempting to vote, unpopularity, self-defense, or testifying against a white man.” For black males, however, “winking, looking directly into the eyes, failing to distance himself, or whistling at a white female” were considered especially heinous. Black men were portrayed as these animalistic savages who wanted their precious white woman’s purity. Black women, on the other hand, were viewed as loose harlots who were sexually driven; basically saying that us as black woman wanted these white southern men to rape us.
What purpose does it serve Keith Boykin to use his platform on the BET website to criticize Don Lemon’s use of his much larger platform on CNN to speak to the black community? Boykin actually sounds as if he believes that he and Don Lemon have reached a point in their careers that limit their voices in the black community because of the success they enjoy. This is a ridiculous notion and a dangerous one. Hip Hop artist use their global reaching microphones to spread the misogyny and ignorance that plagues the black community without any thought to the damage they cause. It is not only appropriate for Don Lemon to correct behavior from his national stage – it is his obligation to do so.
Sometimes it seems that all men are created equal but in Maycomb, Alabama the people beg to differ.To kill a mockingbird is basically remembered of in the event of the trial of Tom Robinson and its racist outcome. The most obvious part of prejudice in the novel is racism, which causes otherwise upstanding white people of Maycomb to accept the testimony of an evil white man over the evidence supporting the testimony from a black man. Yet prejudice is also visible in the racially condescending Mrs. Grace Merriweather; in Aunt Alexandra’s and many other character’s belief in the importance of social class; in the gender stereotypes that people try to force on Scout; and even in the way the town views Boo Radley as a monster because he acts
Lil Wayne raps about the opposite that the Hip Hop pioneers would rap about in the 1990’s. Lil Wayne would promote his affiliation in the Bloods gang. Lil Wayne would also show his drug addiction to sizzurp, some kind of drink that contains a lot of chemicals that has already killed a hip hop pioneer Pimp C. Most of the time Lil Wayne shows up to an event or would record a song drunk or high creating his lyrics not understandable and his appearance to all of his anti-fans incredibly
Racial profiling Trayvon was racially profiled by George Zimmerman just because of his skin color and the type of clothes he was wearing that night during the confrontation that cost him his life. Racial profiling is a structure of judgment in which law officers uses a person’s race, ethnicity or social upbringing as the main reason to say that the person has done something immoral. Racial profiling does not only affect black people. Let me begin by explaining to you about racial profiling how we are a nation of laws, sometimes they work for some, and not very well for others. When we prayed, cried, and pleaded, oftentimes the only thing we have left to do is to march for justice and equality in supposedly called the Land of our Ancestors