Racism And Segregation In The 1930's

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Corruption Based on Color Alveda King once said “Racism springs from the lie that certain human beings are less then fully human. It’s a self-centered falsehood that corrupts our minds into believing we are right to treat others as we would not want to be treated.” Unfortunately in 1930’s Alabama people treated others based on their skin color causing racism to be a reoccurring problem. Therefore, racism and segregation was harsh, and seemed never ending for African American citizens, even after slavery, but it could have been avoided if people treated other the way they wanted to be treated. Segregation or “separation of the races,” was one of the many ways for people to promote racism in the 1930’s (Novak, Julie). Birmingham, Alabama was one of the most tightly segregated cities at the time (“Alabama”). There were racial segregation laws called Jim Crow Laws enacted between 1876-1965. They separated black and white schools, forbade interracial marriages, and had restaurants and stores that only accepted white citizens. They also had separate hospitals, parks, army troops, and African Americans couldn’t even walk on the same sidewalks as the white people (“Racism in the 1930s”). Not soon after, trains and buses started reserving seats for white citizens forcing blacks to…show more content…
The Ku Klux Klan also known as the KKK, was a secret and deadly organization who targeted African Americans. They would be seen dressed head to toe in white cloaks. Their violent attacks were not random, targeting any black or white person trying to promote equality and social rights. African Americans were called cruel names, they received unfair treatment, and were deprived of their rights as citizens of the United States of America all because they were black (Novak, Julie). It wasn’t until the Civil Rights Era with bus boycotts and protests for equality that the skies began to clear for African Americans
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