Anthonia Bodquist

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Anthonia Boquist Week five Final paper Part 1-Research: Choose a famous person (current or historical) that you admire; research his or her life and write about what made this person great (for example: something this person overcame in life, the visions, dreams, purposes that supplied motivation, accomplishments, etc.). Discuss how aspects of this person’s behavior support (or do not support) motivational theory. You must have a minimum of 3 resources. The one person that has always stuck out through my whole life was Martin Luther king. I feel that everyone is equal and how he inspired and changed so much while he was alive is just so amazing to hear about. He motivated so many to treat everyone equally and inspired many people. He…show more content…
What was the impetus for changes in what motivated you? How might your motivations change in the…show more content…
I did have some pressure from my parents to get good grades and to learn right from wrong. So the law of influence was a big thing because I wanted to be just like my parents. In my teen years, I was also using the law of influence because of how much I wanted to impress and get the approval of my parents. I guess through my whole life I was looking for approval from my elders in my life. I also wanted to grow up to do something to help people. I went through some stages that I was influenced by my friends to do stuff that I should not have but I learned who I really wanted to be around. The people who supported who I was I kept around. When I decided there was not enough challenge to high school I got into the running start program and went to college so I could get ahead of everyone else. After I graduated, I did not know where I wanted my life to head so I did not go to school and just worked and had fun. Then my son came, and all my priorities changed. I started wanting better things for him. So I went back to school and found that I really want to be a teacher because of how fast they learn and are influenced. I want to be able to influence children to make the right decisions in life. I found that there was many people who would try to deter me from doing the right thing and having the teachers and people in my life that supported me for who I was, I feel helped

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