Animal Crossing Persuasive Essay

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Hey, back for another review. Oh... Oh no... Oh God... Why?! Why did I wait so long to return to my town? Weeds everywhere, bugs in my house, spoiled vegtables and fruit. Oh God, nobody remembers me. What I'm talking about is my town of Gatewright residing in the larger nation of Animal Crossing for the Gamecube. I was hot and cold with this game for about 2005 to 2008, Despite what the towns inhabitance say, only to finally shut down Gatewrite, becasue secondary school came along and the game took a back seat, and I never returned. Until now, no seriously, right now. What you see is the first time I booted up the save state the last time I shut off my game. You might be wondering "Why bother review a game that you obviously haven't played in FOREVER, whats the point Cormac?" Theres a je ne se qua that saturates every aspect of this game, making it a habit for me for almost four years. Animal Crossing was the first social simulator game I had ever played.…show more content…
You spend your days being a patrant of the arts, talking to towns folk, and generally trying to make money. The more things you donate to the local museum, such as fish, bugs, fossels, artwork, the more, the more people (or Animals in this case) will want to move into your town. You can also sell these items to buy your debt off, but really the overall goal is to exsist. It's very zen. Anything, much like in real life, is

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