Analyze Main Traffic Problems in Big Cities. Give Some Solutions

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More and more big cities throughout the world are facing growing traffic problems, and the local authorities of these cities are having to come up with solutions to these enormous traffic problems. However, what specific traffic problems do large cities face and what solutions have, or can, local authorities come up with? There are three significant traffic problems faced by large cities, the first of which being that there are more and more privately owned cars on the streets of our major cities. For example, in Shanghai, at rush hour in the morning and in the evening, roads are clogged with private cars and the ensuing traffic jams are a huge problem for drivers, commuters and pedestrians alike. In addition to that many drivers and pedestrians ignore the Highway Code and as a result of this there are an increasing number of car accidents involving cars and pedestrians. In Beijing, the number of road accidents involving cyclists and pedestrians has quadrupled over the past decade and the number of serious injuries and fatalities has likewise increased fourfold. Finally, the increased number of vehicles on the streets of our major cities has also led to an alarming rise in the levels of air pollution and noise pollution. Again, Beijing is an obvious example of this problem. The endless traffic jams and congestion at most times of the day in Beijing lead to extremely high levels of pollution in the atmosphere, which can then lead to an increase in allergies and respiratory disease in the local population. In addition to the exhaust fumes, there is also the problem of noise pollution which slowly affects people's nerves and temper, making people irritable and quarrelsome. Are there any solutions to these problems? As far as the problem of privately owned cars and traffic congestion is concerned, it is important to encourage people to use public transport more.
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