Analysis Of Lin Article Critique

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Lin Article Critique: An Extensive Look at the Title, Abstract, and Literature Terry V. Hites Liberty University This article is based on the benefits of forgiveness therapy; the authors, Lin, Enright, Krahn, Mack, and Baskin assert forgiveness therapy for clients in an inpatient setting for substance abuse treatment can and has reduced anger, depression, anxiety, vulnerability to use drugs and or alcohol, self-esteem, and forgiveness of others. The researchers have found that anger and violence is greater when the use of alcohol or other drugs are used by those with a substance dependence verses the general population of citizens. Likewise, it is thought that anger and frustration can be immense triggers to relapse in ones alcohol or…show more content…
The authors did determine that the substance abusing individuals did not have a proper way of coping with their anger and determined that this was problematic; hence the need for the Forgiveness Therapy. The authors did determine that the lack of anger management skills and the previous used skills were inadequate and triggered further negative emotions such as depression, anxiety, self-esteem, and violence. In the article the authors did move from topic to topic and not just from one citation to another; the authors did rely on sound research in the field but did not overly rely on it to make their point. The authors were able to ascertain that individuals in the past have tried to rely on the techniques they have used in the past to avoid relapse, but these have remained to fail them in the end. Individual substance abuse clients have benefitted from the forgiveness therapy, the research shows. The information presented throughout the paper flowed with ease and was very easy to follow along with, therefore, it was not needed to have subheadings; the researchers were sure to use common known terms and not rely heavily upon acronyms and other field specific jargon. The information appeared to be factual, it did not appear to be misleading; however, I did not check the sources. The research appears to be within an acceptable age that would be acceptable for…show more content…
Garzon, there are four questions a person would want to ask when critiquing an article; this will be answered in the continuation of this paper. The first question to be asked of the researcher would be to understand what the researcher was wondering; what was their hypothesis? From reviewing the article, one would have to presuppose it is whether forgiveness therapy would be beneficial to substance dependent individuals or not. The second of four questions were the research hypotheses clearly stated or not? The answer to the question would be yes, the hypotheses were stated clearly. Next, Dr. Garzon would have a reviewer ask is do these flow clearly from the literature review. The answer again would be yes; it flows clear, is well stated, and has a meaningful purpose. Finally, the forth question is the design appropriate to investigate the hypotheses? Once again, yes, this is a very well written article, it is well presented, it has purpose, and it is clear and easy to

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