An Analysis on Women Image in the Victorian Era

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An analysis of female image in the Victoria era Chapter1 Introduction The Victorian age is a splendid era in English history. England in this period witnessed the completion of industrialization, democratization and urbanization. In this transition period, women were called “angel in the house” in a position of being discriminated. Women had no freedom in the substance and spirit, bound by the male society. They were supposed to meet the social conventions they were given and excluded from the many rights that the male have. 1.1 Significance of the Issue For a very long time, the compilation of the history bears a big attention on the male, while ignoring the female world and their living conditions. Throughout the human history, women are basically excluded from the political, economic, military, law, art and other fields. The writing of this history that has ignored the role of the movements of the female is of great one-sidedness. Women are not only the creators of the material wealth of society, but also the important force to promote social progress and change. Marx has ever pointed out, “person who knows the history will understand that no enzyme of women, no great social change. The development of the society will be measured by the women status.” To study the women image can help us have a deeper understanding of the living experience and thoughts of the female that takes up half of the human beings. In the contemporary society, the patriarchal ideology still exists; gender inequality exists to varying degrees in all aspects of society. A strong patriarchal cultural awareness is soaked into all levels of society. Men’s centrism still dominates the fate of the man and women in today’s china as well as in most part of the world. Compared to the old time, it differs only in the degree. Moreover, man centrism has to sneak into people’s deep

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