Alexander The Great Men

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I am indebted to my father for living, but to my teacher for living well - Alexander The great How many men, lying on their death beds, can look back upon their lives and all that they have accomplished and proclaim that they have truly lived? Will they consider their impact on the world and all the people that they have affected? How many men will wonder how history will judge them and if they will be remembered as great men? As Alexander the Great of Macedon laid stricken with illness, waiting for deaths embrace, he was able to find solace in the fact that he had accomplished more in his mere thirty three years of life than most men before him had, and most men ever will. History has only showed us a handful of great men. Alexander…show more content…
The mind of Alexander the Great is an enigma. For a man that shows such compassion for his troops and the men and women of Macedon, he shows a relentless hatred for his enemies. He seems at times, so blinded by his victory that he has no thoughts of the destruction that he causes. It is difficult to comprehend that his love for one of his family or friends can so quickly turn to hate that he would have them executed without even thinking. Another puzzling aspect of his personality was that he was absolutely obsessed with conquering other nations that he would be able to leave his home for over eleven years to attempt to achieve his goal of total world rule. His personality also seemed hard to understand. He had a rational side that loved strategy, mathematics, philosophy, and art. This is the side of him that is most remembered by historians today. However, Alexander also had an impulsive side that caused many bad decisions in his life such as his alcohol addiction, and the execution of many of his closest advisers and bodyguards. Although he had a reckless side it never showed in his ability to outwit all of his…show more content…
One trait that the two share is their strong determination to achieve their goals. They are both very stubborn when it comes to the things that they care most about. Reb Saunders has very strong opinions when it comes to his religion. He does not want the Jewish people to re-establish the state of Israel and would die to defend his belief. Alexander the Great was stubborn in the sense that he would never consider surrender as an option. He too felt very strongly about something, he just fought for land and power instead of religious beliefs. A similarity that one might also notice between Reb Saunders and Alexander the Great is that they both are very good leaders and find themselves in leadership positions over very loyal followers. Alexander the Great had political power over all who lived under his rule. Entire nations of people called him their one and only leader and he had strong loyalty from his people. Reb Saunders was the religious leader over a large community of Hasidic Jewish people. His people look to him for advice on how to worship God and how to go about their lives in the most respectful of ways. His people saw him as a father and treated him as a member of their families. Both men had large responsibilities over the people that the lead and one seemingly small mistake could have catastrophic results for either of their
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