Adult Learning Theory

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Adult Learning Theory is a very broad area that delves into the ways adults think and learn. While there are many different topics, active learning, andragogy and self directed learning are three of the most intriguing theories. These ways of learning delve into not only the theory of the adult educational process, but also the intricate parts of the mind. Active learning is most simply defined as learning by doing. Many people struggle to learn when forced to just listen to a lecture or read a book or article. For this reason, creative ways must be utilized to accomplish the learning goal. It is believed to be effective to work in pairs, role play while discussing materials, debate, use case study, take part in cooperative learning, conduct student led review exercises, play games, keep journals/logs, concept map or utilize short written exercises such as a one minute essay. Active learning is described as when students are doing more than just listening to a lecture. Students are more likely to discover, process and apply the information. Active learning’s foundation is the basic ideologies that learning is an active endeavor and that different people learn in different ways. Research has shown that when students engage in active learning, the amount of knowledge gained is much higher. It is vital to remember that lecture is appropriate at times and that active learning should not occur without content or objectives. The key components of active learning include talking and listening, writing, reading, and reflecting. The popularity of the term active learning has become more prevalent based on teachers’ understanding of the topic. Many faculty believe that students are actively involved while attending to formal presentations. Students must be actively engaged in the problem
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