Adopt a Dog

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Adopting a dog has endless benefits for every type of person or lifestyle. Having a dog of your own has many advantages and if you adopt a dog from an animal shelter, you will rescue them from being euthanized. They are terrific companions and bring endless joy to your life. They help the elderly stay young and are great for families with little children or people living alone. When I come home and see my two dogs anxiously awaiting my arrival, any burdens or stress disappear. We go outside to get fresh air and they keep me energetic. Upon adopting your new dog you may expect many additional benefits such as loyalty, intuitiveness to your feelings and a compassionate demeanor. My dogs can sense when something is wrong and comfort me when I am feeling gloomy. It’s almost as though they can detect my emotional distress. I cannot stay depressed knowing how excited they are to see me. Caring for them is therapeutic as they try making me happy by licking my face, lying next to me or trying to play with me. Having a dog around helps me to stay active and alert and no matter how tired I get, my dogs remind me when it is time to go for a walk. Dogs are also great companions for children and my son loves playing with them. This also keeps my son away from the television! These are just a few of the additional benefits you can expect from your dog. Dogs protect against intruders breaking into your home, are the first to hear any abnormal sounds at night and recognize anything out of place. Knowing that your dogs can detect when something is not right will give you a sense of security; especially when you’re sleeping, home alone or at work. Dogs can be very intimidating and no one wants to get bit by a dog! As a child growing up in the city, I had a German Shepard as a pet who was very protective of our family. If anyone came to the door that he didn’t

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