Active Learning Methodologies

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Active classroom methodologies are practical strategies for shifting kids from passive observers to active participants in their own learning (Nash, R.)(2010). Traditionally in Ireland, curriculum and syllabus are aimed towards student’s achieving the best results and best CAO points possible in order for them to further their education beyond secondary level. Hence, teaching methods can easily fall into the transmission and product models of curriculum, i.e. classes are dominated by the teacher who simply transmits the predetermined content to the students who in turn reproduce it almost word for word in exam situations. In this format of learning the student is almost like an empty vessel to be filled up by the teacher, or in other words, the learner has no responsibility or involvement in their own learning. In order for these exhausted and rigorous practices to change we need to embrace the idea of active learning. This can be achieved by engaging students more in meaningful lessons, providing open opportunities for students to learn from their peers along with the teacher, and by generally giving a heightened responsibility to each student towards the effectiveness and proficiency of his/her own learning. The process involved in the learning must be given equal importance as what is actually learned. This requires teacher to adopt new teaching methodologies that facilitate the active learner and in this essay I plan to research the following 5 methods which I believe are highly beneficial in achieving this: 1. Debate/discussion 2. Group work 3. Role Play/Simulation/Dramatization 4. Gathering Information/Project Work 5. Brainstorming/mind-mapping Method 1 - Debate/Discussion: One of the biggest problems with the out-dated transmission teaching methods is that the student does not have a say, view or opinion in the classroom. More often
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