Tragic Accident Short Story

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A Tragic Accident It was a warm sunny day. Tessa woke up to the birds chirping and the sun shining on her face. She stretched out her arms, let out a big yawn, and headed for the shower. When she was finished she quickly stumbled down the stairs because she heard her mom. Being 9 years old her favorite thing in the morning was jumping on her mom to get her all wet. The day continued as a normal day in her life. She ran around playing with her two sisters and watching her favorite cartoon. As they were all watching Looney Tunes their mom's phone rang. Tessa ran in the other room to see who called. Her mom was leaning on the counter crying. “What's the matter mom,” asked Tessa. “This can't be happening!” exclaimed her mother, “I have to call your father!” Her father was working on a car at her uncle's pole barn. Tessa ,still not knowing what was happening, tried to listen to her parents conversation. She watched her mothers eyes fill with tears. Concern overtook Tessa's face. She wanted to know what was wrong. “Mom what's the matter?” Tessa cried out. “It''s...” Her mom trembled trying to tell her what was wrong. “Mom, tell me!” yelled out Tessa. “It's Jasmine she got in a car accident!” she replied. Jasmine had been on her way to pizza hut with her mom in Clarkston. She had just turned…show more content…
They held two funerals in different locations: one in Clarkston and one in Sebewaing. The first was held in Clarkston. Walking into the showing room was like walking into a cold cellar. Chills ran down Tessa's back as she approached he sister. She couldn't handle it, she ran in the other room and curled up into a lounge chair. She bawled hysterically. Finally, she was able to approach the casket. She just stood there staring. Then she took her small hand and stroked Jasmine's delicate hair. A tear rolled down her face as she told her she loved
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