A Sticky Situation

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Did you know that chewing gum can help increase focus and memory? Lucia Chavez states that students who chew gum while test taking, score 26%-36% better than students who do not. Also, if students at Iron Horse did not have to hide their gum, they would not feel the need to stick it under desks and chairs when a teacher comes their way. Third, teachers would be less offended by students, because less students would have bad breath, or food stuck in their teeth. Gum is the oldest candy in the world and it can help with all sorts of things, therefore chewing gum should be allowed on Iron Horse Middle School campus. Since gum can improve test scores, memory, and IQ, the staff at Iron Horse should rethink the ‘no gum’ policy. If test scores went up, the teachers and principal would be very pleased. This would make a happier, friendly environment for young students’ minds. The student store could even start selling gum to promote higher test scores for Iron Horse. Everyone would benefit from the permission to chew gum on campus. If we were allowed to chew gum on campus, we wouldn’t feel the need to quickly stick it under a desk when a teacher were to walk by. Because of this, there would be little to no gum under desks and chairs, causing less hassle for the custodians. Also, the campus would look better, because there would be much less gum on the ground. I think that gum duties should only be received if a staff member catches someone disposing of gum somewhere besides the trash can. Then, students would understand the severity of not putting gum in the correct place. Lastly, teachers would be much less offended by students on a regular basis. After eating it is common to get food stuck in your teeth, and/or having bad breath, causing teachers and other staff members to be offended by their students. Gum can help this. If we were allowed to chew gum, fewer and
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