If students would have known that fast food ingredients were found in our school lunches. It would be superior for them to go to a nearby McDonalds during lunch to obtain a better deal and also an appetizing lunch. Sadly, students don't have this knowledge of basic nutrients, or what products goes into our school lunches. Central Valley should create a Home Economics class to teach the basics of nutrients because it will benefit their students lively hood in the
Works Cited Abstract: This article talks mainly about the health risks of always eating poorly. Most of this poor dieting among children is what the schools are feeding them. It talks about a large movement towards removing junk food from schools and their vending machines as well. It talks about how dire implementing nutritional foods into schools and taking out unhealthy choices. This article believes that in order to maintain the children’s eating behaviors, they must first implement good eating behaviors in school.
The current California lunch policy is not effective in changing student perspectives about nutrition and health. The current California lunch policy is not effective in some reasons. First kids will just bring their own lunches because it is hard to get rid of old habits, eating junk food. “After California government changed their policy of lunch system, students in Sonora High School bring their own lunches and they are even worse food than other junk food they used to sell. Inside of students bag, There werebag of Hot Cheetos and Doritos.
This is causing kids to throw out food, that they are not getting enough of to begin with, but because of the flavor the kids would rather not eat at all then to eat food that is very bland. We need to take action and getting better food regulations for all the children before it gets any worse. The first step would be to contacts our senator in D.C. and write to many others. Eventually the news will get back to Obama and others who will create a balanced meal for all children to
She has noticed an epidemic, especially in children ages 2-5, because this is where it begins, and the fact children are doing less exercising and forced to eat life threatening foods. A scientific journal is not needed to understand that fried foods and just add water and/or microwave meals are probably not the healthiest for you. Michelle Obama is the first, first lady, no pun intended, to actually join the legislative fight on agriculture, and school services as they pertain to what American children are eating. She also has influenced how certain people can purchase foods. For example, families on public assistance are only allowed to buy certain foods, healthier options, if they would like to use the governments help to feed their families.
Meanwhile, our already poor school loses profit to these fast food restaurants. The lunch staff works hard to make a good lunch. If students were to go out to eat, time, money, and food would be wasted. If people bought school lunch instead of fast food, the school would have more money to make even better lunches. If an open campus is allowed, the school
Throughout the years children of all ages have become obese from the lack of nutrition, as well as exercise. The government is calling for dramatic changes in school meals, including limiting french fries,sodium and calories and offering students more fruits and vegetables. Some benefits of consuming whole grains as part of a healthy diet
The government should lower the prices of healthy food, and they should make more of it since everywhere at a grocery store foods raised by hormones dominate. Also, obese people should be required to go to the gym so they don’t die. Finally, since people pay taxes for school, they should get better and healthy food served to the kids. In these cases, obesity would have no choice but to decrease. If the government decides to take over, America might actually have a chance to get back to the way it was before.
As obesity and its effects gain awareness, Americans are making more efforts to encourage a healthy lifestyle. Many restaurants are incorporating healthier choices into their menus and “policy-makers are taking action to protect children from the fast-food trend” by limiting “food advertising aimed at children” (“Fast Food”). In 2004 the health campaign Verb was launched, using boldface names to promote physical activity and healthy decision-making. Unfortunately, Verb was terminated in 2007 due to a lack of funds (Kluger 227). The problem with the current endeavors, then, is that they are not void of any possible defects.
This is a very strong topic and conducting the right research will bring out the factors of why this occurs. Environmental factors promote obesity in today’s society. Reason being both parents are working so the child may not be receiving home cook meals. When families eat at different times that are not good, you should have a set time that you eat. Eating out to fast foods, and not eating healthy.