Unfortunately, student and parents rely on these lunches because they do not have the income to be able to afford either full-priced or homemade lunches. The only foreseeable way for American students to receive healthier lunches in their school cafeterias is if someone can create a solution to the cost problems. To fully understand the cost problem behind all of this, one must first understand that processed and pre-made foods are much less expensive than healthier, homemade alternatives. For example, if someone was going to make a lasagna dinner for their family they would be much more likely to want homemade lasagna because homemade is always better tasting and also healthier than pre-made frozen lasagna. However, when looking at the cost of both options,
First, I think providing junk foods in school gives students a variety of food choices. Secondly, junk foods are convenient and a delicious source for snacks. Lastly, if the school stops selling junk food it would lose a lot of money. My first reason of why I support keeping junk food in school is that selling junk food provides students a variety of choices for lunch and snacks. Everyone can choose what they like to eat.
This will result in improved, healthier lunches and breakfasts around the country. Although many healthy, nutritious foods may not be the tastiest, the government should impose restrictions on what kind of foods can be served in cafeterias because they choose foods that are nutritious for children, and more than one in three of children in the United States are obese and need to be healthier. What are the most delicious foods to students? Well, the foods that students enjoy eating the most may not be allowed to be severed at their lunch. This is due to the fact some of the most delicious foods are the unhealthiest.
What groceries to purchase, what groceries are unhealthy to purchase when grocery shopping. And last, but not least control and watch what goes into your child’s body, and what should not enter into your child’s body. I also plan to create a fun way of introducing good eating habits that parents can share with their children. How can we make eating healthy fun for our children as well as ourselves. Eating can be made fun.
We should care about our environment by ordering smaller amounts of food when in restaurants. Many people in the restaurants order too much food especially in buffets but when they finish their dinner, we can see there are still have some food left on the dishes. I was one of them who always wasted food when I was done with my meal. I didn’t realize that the food I tossed in the trash could impact our environment and lead to pollution concerns. In the book, Bloom said “it’s easier for today’s children to waste food because they are so removed from its origins.” The reason why we waste food easily is we don’t have the chance to plant, water, or nurse the plants by ourselves, so we don’t know how hard it is to plant and grow the food.
We have a crisis on our hands with childhood obesity on the rise. Two main causes for the fattening of our children are junk food and sugary sodas. Junk food and soda often take the place of healthy foods in our kids’ diets, something that most school systems should be ashamed of. School lunches are a cause of childhood obesity in America, at least in U-46 schools. In order to put an end to childhood obesity, the schools needs to prepare a healthy yet balanced diet for all kids, by serving them with good food that is full of nutrition.
Sugar, salt, fat can lead to heart disease, obesity, diabetes and other health problems. Its sad how Americans replace fruits and vegetables for a Twinkies and chips in there kids lunches for school. “Joe Sabia He
“Poor School Lunches.” AlignLife N.p. n.d. Web. 01 Nov. 2009 This article covers the poor nutrition in school lunches. It explains that we as parents not only have to fight against the media advertising the junk food commercials, but now we must fight against the public school system serving the poor choices in the school lunches.
Parents usually seek the easier route by picking up dinners which are super high in carbs and sodium, or rent movies to pacify the kids after school. These are horrible habits that unfortunately will continue to affect society. Being that we are role models to our kids we should implement better habits like healthy snacks, keep healthy foods in the fridge and pantry, always start the day with a healthy breakfast, meals with the family, chew slowly and enjoy the food. In conclusion, parents have the upper hand in shaping their children eating habits and exercise for a longer brighter future. We are role models, something that people seem to forget so let’s act like it and prevent cardiovascular diseases in children.
For example he uses analogy when he states that thinness should be a way of life for people in today’s society. Fatness is a bad thing in many aspects, so thinness will solve all those problems. He also makes use of studies to help support his case He uses these studies as an angle to make his theory more convincing to his readers For instance, Crister states that when children are presented with larger portions of food, they will eat more. He states studies which used macaroni and cheese as the food the group children were feed. This of course is not always the case.