A Psychological Look at the Survivalist Persona of “Mrs. Linde” from a Doll’s House

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A Psychological look at the Survivalist persona of “Mrs. Linde” from A Doll’s House Mrs. Linde is an immoral survivalist on a quest to provide for her family and attain her aspirations through whatever means are present. At first Mrs. Linde acted selflessly by rejecting her own desires in order to save her family. However, that changed when she was no longer responsible for her family. Mrs. Linde was then able to attain her personal desires, to work and care for others, without worrying about any family obligations. Mrs. Linde has been through a lot in her life, which has made her a tough woman with a rough facade. When she explains why she married without love, she says to Nora, “My mother was alive then, and was helpless, and I had to provide for my two younger brothers; so I did not think I was justified in refusing his offer” (809). Mrs. Linde also tells Krogstad, "I have learned to act prudently. Life, and hard, bitter necessity have taught me that" (841). It’s here that she explains to Krogstad that she had to sacrifice their love for the sake of her family. Mrs. Linde shows strength of character when she forgoes happiness to face the reality of having to provide for her family. Unlike Nora, Mrs. Linde didn’t have the option to simply seek happiness in life. She had married a young man of wealth that could support her family when she was younger. She remained away until she no longer had any responsibilities and her husband of necessity had died. Her actions here are motivated only by the need to survive. Mrs. Linde no longer had a husband to support her; therefore, she had no income and needed to go search for a means to provide for herself. This displays a corrupted sense of morality. Mrs. Linde has taken these events, marriage and returning home, that should have been looked upon as choices purely based on emotion and degraded them

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