Anaylysis Of "A Doll's House"

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The psychoanalytical perspective prompts the reader to question the character’s motives, beliefs and desires both conscious and unconscious. In reading from a psychoanalytical point of view the reader is attempting to gain a deeper understanding of the authors direction, the characters actions, and the symbolism in the plot of the storyline. The reader interprets what underlying message the author is trying to portray. In Henrik Ibsen's A “Doll House” the psychoanalytical perspective theory can be used to examine Mrs Kristine Linde. Henrik Ibsen depicts how the conscious and subconscious motives and desires are obtained. Kristine Linde is a woman who has had to give up her dreams due to circumstances beyond her control. She was once in love but because her mother “was bedridden and helpless”and she “had to provide for two younger brothers”(Ibsen, 2011, p. 556) she was forced to marry for convenience of the situation. We can tell this has made her look at life in a more realistic and wise view than that of her friend Mrs Nora Helmer the main character. Mrs Linde has had to work hard and was not afforded love and children which she longed to have. She took care of her mother and brother as her own but still desired more. Once her circumstances had changed she set out to acquire that which she had lost. When Mrs Linde is introduced in Act I, we can immediately see she is a woman who has been through a harder time and worked hard to have a meekly accommodating life. She is more insightful of her surrounding than Nora Helmer. Mrs Linde expresses to Nora how she is still a “terrible spendthrift” (Ibsen, 2011, p. 556) and hasn't “learned any sense yet” (Ibsen, 2011, p 556). Mrs Linde seems to be holding back a bit of resentment for Nora who keeps rambling on about how “tremendous'”(Ibsen, 2011, p. 556) the wife of a lawyer life is; whose promotion is expecting

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