a Good Research Hypothesis

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Writer’s name Professor’s name Class Date The characteristics of a good research hypothesis This paper presents the information on the characteristics of a good research hypothesis. It explores and explains the differences between a non-directional research and a directional research hypothesis, and observes what distinguishes a null hypothesis from a research hypothesis. The major characteristics of a good research hypothesis include as follows: * A good hypothesis should rely on sound reasoning; * A good hypothesis neatly affirms the relationship between variables; * A good hypothesis offers a valid explanation for some outcome; * A good hypothesis should be under test in a valid period of time; * A good hypothesis should have an if–then statement. A null hypothesis is a basic testable assumption, which is usually stated as the absence of differences, the lack of effect, etc. In turn, Delampady emphasized that “one of the major justifications for testing a point null hypothesis is that it can be considered as an approximation to an appropriate interval hypothesis in a large number of situations” (120). A research hypothesis is a methodological characteristic of some research, a scientific hypothesis advanced to explain any phenomenon that requires some verification by experience to be a reliable scientific knowledge. A hypothesis differs from a null hypothesis as well as simple assumptions in a number of features. These include: * Verifiability; * Applicability to the widest possible range of phenomena; * Relative simplicity. The major differences between a non-directional research hypothesis and a directional research hypothesis are that a directional hypothesis is considered to be one tailed. It is possible to state that through manipulating an independent variable there must be some change in a dependent variable.

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