A Good Life

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A Good Life Aristotle says “all men by nature desire knowledge”. More often than not, we all have come across the questions. What is the purpose of life? What should I do to live a good life? These are not questions about what we should do to ensure that our life contains the signs of success, such as; money, power, or respect. Those might be necessary for the success at life, but they do not constitute it. I believe personal and intellectual growth is an essential purpose to living a good life. It is the pursuit of developing, honing, and mastering the skills that help us become the best that we can, with all that we have. It is reaching for our full potential as human beings. We all want to live full, productive lives, but sometimes we just don’t know where to begin. You begin by establishing a firm foundation with knowing who you are, what you want, and what you are capable of. You must then determine which values, goals and principles you will set up to guide your actions. Goal setting, specifically effective goal setting, has been a tried and true method for achieving success and accomplishment in life. Without it we would drift aimlessly and waste valuable time and effort in pursuits that lead nowhere. So start now! Decide which goals are most meaningful to you and devise a plan for achieving them. I chose to better myself and my family by completing something that is very scary to me and seemed impossible to accomplish at my age. My wife has been telling me for years that I should go back to school and get the degree I always wanted, but I kept putting it off or coming up with excuses. This is why I chose to go back to college and to attend Clarke University to make myself grow both personally and intellectually. This to me is essential in my life to live a good life because I have the freedom to go to school and the ability to better myself and it took
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