A Good Boss vs. a Bad Boss

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A Good Boss vs. A Bad Boss A good boss vs. a bad boss determines which employee work das and which employee work nights. A good boss vs. a bad boss have to turn in your hours that you work every week in order to receive a paycheck on the day you get paid. A good boss vs. a bad boss does all of the paperwork to let the headquarters know that everything is in order, sales are up or down, and what’s been destroyed. A good boss vs. a bad boss has the authority over employee’s schedules, checks, and paperwork. A good boss vs. a bad boss has different similarities between the two. They make the schedule for their employees, make sure employees get their paychecks, does all of the paperwork for the company, and have the authority to hire and fire an employee. The difference between good bosses vs. a bad boss is a good boss is reasonable with their employee when concerning scheduling their hours around their everyday life. A good boss gives you a chance to succeed into the company. A good boss makes sure you have the correct hours on your paycheck. A bad boss will hassle you for every little thing that you do. A bad boss will hire you just because he/she has the authority to do so. A bad boss will not give you a chance to succeed into the company and take all the credit for them. I was in a recent situation with a good boss vs. a bad boss. The good boss always gave me a chance to prove myself because I was a quick learner. She always was bragging on what a good job I do every day and if there was more workers like me the world would be better. One day she got diagnosed with cancer and was no longer working there. This was a bummer for me because I had a feeling that the bad boss was going to do everything he can do to get me out the door. So, as the days passed by I was noticing that everything I did was not how he wanted it to be done. He always was taking
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