A Choice I Made (NAME)

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A Choice I made In the sunny suburb of Cronulla in eastern NSW lived a young boy named NAME. NAME experienced a rough childhood while growing up, his parents both had serious issues including an alcoholic mother and a problem gambler, abusive father. For most of his life, NAME lived with his dad in their small home in the Eastern suburbs of Sydney. Moving house was a common occurrence as the family was often evicted due to unpaid rent and other issues. NAME was often the one who kept the house clean and the food on the table. From the time he woke up, until he left for school, he was cleaning or doing chores, it was the same situation after school. The lack of free time led to tasks such as homework and assignments not being completed, this also had a negative effect on his personality. NAME…show more content…
Due to his mums alcohol addiction she was often either drunk or hung over. With his mum unable to keep a table job the rent often went unpaid which let to being evicted yet again. Being the only carer and feeling that he had a responsibility to car for his mother saw NAME dedicating most of his time taking care of his mum and the house. With little free time and no support, school work was rarely completed which resulted in poor results at school. Between all the physical and mental abuse from both parents and the poor school results, NAME managed to push through and successfully complete year 10. Year 11 brought an increase in school work and class work, as well as a zero tolerance for not handing in class and homework. A few months in, NAME gave up and stopped attempting, he stopped going to class and spent days isolated in his bedroom. NAME’s family made an attempt to enrol him in a media course at TAFE but he later dropped out of that as well, and begun to enter a deep depression from all the abuse and issues that he was

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