A Big Surprise Party

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THTHE BIG SURPRISE PARTY Minutes before you know the big surprises were beginning to happen! One day Tiffany called me on my cell phone and gave me a message about something exciting. It was a surprise party for Dana. After I finished talking to her, I rushed to put some clothes on. Then I got in my car and drove to the mall to buy a gift for Dana. Josh called me. He was Sarah’s brother and I told him I was on my way to the mall to buy a dress for Dana. He told me that his Mom preferred jewelry. I told him I would see him later at the party. Soon I arrived at the mall and I parked my car. I walked to the mall entrance and I went into Dillard’s store. I looked and looked and then I found a beautiful lacy, black dress and a gold necklace. I bought them with my card and then left the store quickly. When I got to Sarah’s house, I gave the gift to her and she put it in Dana’s bedroom. The other guests came and gave Sarah the gifts for Dana. When Dana went in to her bedroom, she saw the gifts and she took a peak at them. Now, she knew that there was going to be a party for her. She was surprised. Everyone went into the dining room where they sat and ate great food and then the desserts. After all the guests finished eating Sarah gave each person a number for the surprise dance competition. Who’s the best dancer? When one person danced all the other people wrote a number from one - ten on a paper to rate how the person danced. At the end of the dance competition, Dana turned out to be the best dancer. While the dance competition was happening, Sarah and Josh prepared the birthday cake for Dana. They brought the cake into the living room singing “Happy Birthday to You!” All the guests joined in the singing. Dana was ready to cut the cake,but,she had to wait for her
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