Social Identity In Sports And My Job

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Today in society, most people seem to be part of a group, which can include sports fans, extremely political and religious people, blue-collar workers, environmentalists, activists, and many others. Many people fall into a group easily, and others strive to be in one. Social identity theory is that people want to feel good about themselves and have a good self-image and they join groups that are perceived as positive. The two groups that will be mentioned are sports fans and the specific job of a lifeguard and swim instructor. Dr. Robert Cialdini went in depth about sports fans and why they act like they do in the New York Times article, “It Isn’t Just a Game: Clues to Avid Rooting”. My notion is that the social identities of sports fans and my job are more alike than different. When a sports fan’s favorite team wins, Dr. Cialdini says that their self-esteem rises with the action and win, and drops if they lose. Fans are completely caught up in the result of the game and they feel that whoever they are rooting for represents them, and they go as far as wearing their team’s colors/logo when they win and not if they lose. Dr. Cialdini mentions that there are different levels of fans and it’s more likely for the “highly identified” fans to blame situational factors such as weather and officiating to contribute to their team’s loss instead of dispositional factors such as that the other team was just better. In the same article, Dr. James Dabbs says, “They [fans] mentally project themselves into the game and experience the same hormonal surges athletes do” (McKinley). Furthermore, during a game, fans can go through physiological changes. In male fans, testosterone levels rise sharply if their team wins and drops just as steeply if they lose. This has to do with mirror neurons. Dr. Christian Keysers explains them in the article, “A Mirror to the World” as a neuron that

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