Interview Speech Essay

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Interview Speech I’m a kinesiology major and I hope to be a coach one day, high school or college doesn’t really matter. So for my interview speech I wasn’t quite sure who to interview so I just interviewed my high school coach. I was unable to do the interview in person but I and my coach have a special relationship so he told me how it was. I knew a lot about being a coach due to the fact that I’m very well oriented with them since I play football. Although I did learn a few things, coaching consist of daily time consumptions of just football. Working five days a week doesn’t sound so bad but you have to be prepared for the next week so you end up working on the weekend too. Being a high school coach allows you to spend time with the family. College coaching on the other hands requires a bit more time and traveling especially on the weekends so that would give you less family time. Most coaches don’t have a family because of the hassle, but being a coach is like having kids of your own. You take young men under your wings and make sure they are not only successful in football but, successful in life as well. I also found out that being a coach isn’t as simple as it looks, anybody can commentate. It’s quite difficult actually it’s like being a business man. You have to sell what you’re doing to the kids, the program, the school, and even the town, which can be quite complicated. Winning district or even getting to the playoffs can boost your ego a bit but, in the coaching field it’s not something you want to get to your head. That’s the hard part about being a coach is to get your players from being egocentric because winning can do that to young men and they can lose focus easily. Egocentric men can also bring down a program, all it takes is a few big egos and the rest of the men would begin to follow the same path which will eventually lead the program to
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