Behaviour Therapy Principles In Hypnosis

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THE HEALING WHITE LIGHT The Healing White Light script is selected to reconstruct or re write the original script based on my viewpoint as to its efficacy;applicability and ease of comprehension than the rigamorle of the 0riginal script.The reconstructed script could be used for the amelioration of general well- being,the sagging personality and ennui. Moreover,the modified script should find acceptance among the multicultural Malaysian society----the concept being non –religious. In the existing script—imagery---feeling of tingling sensation in the middle of the forehead,the visualization of the tennis ball ballooning with a glowing white light above the head gives a glimpse of the use of the kinesthetic modality.IN order to actualize other senses---namely visual and auditory could be made appropriate and incorporated. The use of the words”let all your consciousness----be concentrated in that very small area of the forehead” is purely antthesis and anachronic because we are looking into the unconcscious mind in hypnosis to unravel many benefits. The projection of the eyes upwards to wards the top of the head manfifests the eye roll technique which helps the subject to a speedy drowsy sleepy state. The deepener NOWwww,used 7 times in the original script connotes a deeper trance----a conducing effect according to the conditioned response theory. The use of the word “fiery white light”in the original script embodies the destructive nature of fire and hence is diametrically opposite to a healthy ,balmy,cooling white light which is more conducive and health promoting. Hence,a substitute version like a glowing white radiant light with its cleansing and purifying properties is more apt. Another negative impact on the recipient based on the original script is the fiery white light which connotes a destructive element,coursing through the entire
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