201 Principles of Communication in Adult Social Care Settings

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DIP TC 1.1 Identify 3 different reasons why people communicate. Relationships- to make connections with others for support, comfort, understanding, friendship,love, etc. Thoughts- to share your ideas, turning thoughts into words, reflecting, thinking out load, speaking your opinion etc. Routine- As a social ritual, do or say what is expected. DIP TC 1.2 Explain how effective communication affects all aspects of your work. Effective communication is vital for the care assistant. The service user and the carer need to understand each other clearly in order for the service user to receive the best possible care. Successful communication involves the carer to speak clearly and to use phrases and sentences the service user can understand. This involves the carer to communicate openly and clearly with other members of staff, manager and other professions to make sure that the best possible care is provided . Not doing so means that working relationships with staff and service users will break down and a communication barrier may become crated. DIP 1.3 Explain why it is important to observe an individuals reaction when communicating with them. Communication with an individual is a two way process it is not only about sending information, but also knowing if the receiver has understood the message. During observation we need to pay attention to other peoples facial and body reactions because around 30%-20% of communion is made with facial expressions and body language. DIP TC 2.1 Explain why it is important to find out individuals communication and language needs, wishes and preferences. Explain how you have done this. It is important to find out an individuals communication needs like language, because if you do not speak there language you will not understand each other and there care needs may not be met. It is important to find out there wishes

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