2004 Apush Dbq Answers

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Ch.3 1619 – 1700 * Flouted * Did the people vote or have a public meeting when someone was going to be banished? * VexationsCh.4 1607-1692Ch.5 1700-1775 * Neo-trinity Ch. 6 1608-1763Ch.7 1763-1775Ch.2 | * Martin Luther was like the main person to start the Protestants. * The Calvinists believed that God was the most powerful of all and that people were weak and corrupt. * The puritans were getting upset that England was switching religions and were also upset at how slow the Puritan religious movement was going so they started to separate from England with some encouragement from King James I pushing them out of the country. * The puritans went to Holland and after staying for a while were not happy about the way their children…show more content…
* People who were worried about England’s future started to go to either the West Indies or to America (mostly Massachusetts) * John Winthrop: 1st governor of the colony and established the “city upon a hill” * In the new colony anyone who was a Puritan and a man could take part in voting and other aspects of local government * The Puritans saw the governor as someone who would apply the laws of God but these laws applied to everyone yet the only people who could vote or be elected were the Puritan men so then they started to fix this dilemma by interrogating people who were saying that they have converted * John Cotton: a puritan clergyman who was well experienced and educated so he was put up to the task of helping to enforce the God laws * The puritans did not like the way that the English church had a lot of political power so they separated religion and government * people that did not respect and obey the church were punished like the Quakers * Anne Hutchinson: a puritan woman who believed that people who were truly holly didn’t have to worry about the laws, she was banished because she said God told her about what she believed, she then moved to New York * Roger Williams: an extremist in the sense of being pure and went away from the law to fix the religious problems he saw, then banished in 1635 * Roger Williams: 1636 is now in Rhode Island and is starting the first Baptist church and now developed the freedom of religion for people in the area * This became a place for all the unwanted people to come and be free * Reverend Thomas Hooker: led some people to fertile land along the Connecticut River which was called Hartford of 1635 * Fundamental Orders: the kind of set of rules and regulations for this democratic government to latter form the state constitution * New Heaven of 1638: was founded by puritans that wanted a better community and then King Charles II annexed it to Connecticut * New Hampshire 1641 & Main
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