1969 Moon Landings

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Historical Landmarks – The 1969 Moon Landings The 1969 Moon Landings introduce controversial debate as to whether their significance adopted a landmark status. The culmination of expenditure, years of research and vast planning led to the successful mission in sending man to the moon in July 1969. The Moon Landings were a product of the notorious Cold War due to the commencement of the Space Race between the Soviet Union and America which was initiated with the Soviet launch of Sputnik in 1957 as well as Yuri Gagarin being the first man in space in 1961. The American space race success The leap for Aldrin and Armstrong into the eyes of the media and the public’s attention began with the estimated 600 million watching the Moon Landings live worldwide. The Moon Landings introduce landmark controversy through political, social, environmental, scientific and exploration factors. All arguments prompt deliberation as to whether the 1969 landings can be considered a historical landmark. #Neil Armstrong was the first man to set foot on the moon with Buzz Aldrin following 20 minutes after. The famous words of Armstrong ‘That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind’ as he took his first step on the moon remain significant to this day. Armstrong noted that the landing had left a small crater on the moon. Armstrong and Aldrin took photos and soil samples as well as conducting training exercises. At 3.41 Armstrong and Aldrin planted the American flag on the moon and a plaque bearing President Nixon’s signature. Armstrong and Aldrin contacted President Nixon whilst on the moon, with Nixon replying ‘This certainly has to be the most historic telephone call ever made’. Michael Collins also told mission control in Houston that he had successfully orbited the moon on the mother ship Columbia and that take off was scheduled for 17.50 that evening. Armstrong and

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