Rhetorical Analysis Of Man On The Moon

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The Man on the Moon In 1969 Neil Armstrong became the first man to ever walk on the moon. As he took his first steps he said, “Thats one small step for man but one giant step for man kind.” Neil Armstrong was right when he said that. This event not only brought the people of the United States together, but people throughout the whole world. They all had one goal in mind, future achievements. The purpose of the first text, Man Takes First Steps on the Moon, is to inform the audience about the importance of Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin landing on the moon and discovering greater things than what you can ind on earth. The interaction among the speaker and the audience affects the text because it is told from the point of view from someone who…show more content…
The interaction among the speaker is very emotional because President Nixon would have had to give this speech if the two men would not have made it back to earth. The families, friends, and everyone who knew the two would have heard the speech. The way that ethos is portrayed in this text is that the speaker is an important and powerful political figure. Logos is shown by quoting a speech from the president. The author establishes pathos by talking about how this event has changed the world forever and also because he talks about death. The third and final text, A Symbol of Man’s Greatness, is about a man (the author) who is watching Apollo 11 take off in person at the space center. The purpose of this text is to tell the story about his personal experience and feeling about the historical launch to go to the moon. The interaction among the speaker and the audience effects the text because the speaker talks about their own personal experiences. The audience of this text would be anyone that read this article or book at that time or for people who are interested in reading it

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